U Respect Foundation

Project Vikalp

A comprehensive e-healthcare model : 2013-2016

The first major grant from the Millennium Alliance (project name connotes ‘options’ in Hindi) with the objective of achieving high contraceptive prevalence rates (CPR) among rural communities was an integrated family planning e-healthcare model. Successfully implemented a system connected to a toll-free number based on widespread mobile phone use. This number was handled by trained counselors who counsel both men and women with the utmost confidentiality. The services also include providing rural communities options for Family Planning methods (reversible methods such as condoms, oral pills, and IUCDs) and encouraging couples to delay the first pregnancy and ensure spacing between two children. The project specifically worked with adolescent boys and girls, as well as men, using interpersonal communication, and mid-media activities.  The innovation was based on a triangulation methodology – services through a toll-free helpline (information, counseling, and linkages to services), products (contraceptives) in place, and the use of local health care providers/on-field community consultants effectively for support functions that resulted in a pathbreaking CPR improvement of 15.1% in 18 months