U Respect Foundation


Women's Empowerment

U Respect Foundation is committed to advancing gender equality and empowering women. Through workshops, vocational training, and support networks, we enable women to break free from the shackles of inequality, helping them become self-reliant and confident contributors to society.

Community Healthcare

Good health is a cornerstone of a dignified life. Our healthcare programs aim to improve access to medical services in remote areas, conduct health camps, and promote health education. We work tirelessly to ensure that healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Hygiene & Sanitation

Inadequate sanitation leads to the spread of diseases and compromises public health. By constructing toilets, we actively contribute to disease prevention, reducing the prevalence of waterborne illnesses and promoting overall community well-being.

2013 - 2016

A comprehensive family planning e-healthcare model- 2013-2016, Millennium Alliance

The Sanitation Intervention – Project Swacchalaya : 2015-23. Care Today, TV Today Network, Noida

Improving maternal and child health indicators in a tribal area, 2021, CertaNutritio, Finland

Skills development and livelihood initiative for 100 young people, Vikroli Parksite, Mumbai. Care Today, 2022, TV Today Network, Noida.